Brittany Smith

Glad to see you made it here! I'm Britany, a former teacher turned educational consultant with a passion for weaving stories of learning and discovery into our every day lives. Once upon a time, my journey began in the classroom as an eighth grade science teacher, but now, I dedicate my days to crafting engaging social events and children's programs.

Imagine a world where education comes to life through a celebration of the plants and animals that share our planet.  A world where we learn from our history.  That's the world I strive to create. From designing immersive curricula to planning captivating events, I'm on a mission to make learning and social endeavors enchanting adventures.

Join me in exploring the possibilities of life outside out the traditional classroom, where every program and event is a chapter in the story of empowering both young and old minds alike. Let's build a narrative of curiosity, growth, and endless possibilities.

Welcome to my world of education reimagined.