Focus on Forestry

A Summer Camp Lesson

Focus on Forestry with Brittany

“Gold is a luxury. Trees are necessities. Man can live and thrive without gold, but we cannot survive without trees.” 

- Paul Bamikole

Storytime - “Lucy Meets A Logger” by Stephanie Fuller

Participants will listen to the story, discuss what they learned, and share their favorite parts of the story. Logging is a necessary practice to secure the sustainability of our products that come from trees.

Goods From the Woods - Participants will explore everyday products that are created from trees and tree products.  

Every Tree For Itself - Participants will model how trees compete to meet their essential needs for growth and describe how varying amounts of sunlight, water, and nutrients affect tree growth. This information will be used to guide discussion about the importance of forest management so each tree gets what it needs to be strong and healthy.

Technology Connection - Download the Seek App for your phone! 

Take your nature knowledge up a notch with Seek! Use the power of image recognition technology to identify the plants and animals all around you. Earn badges for seeing different types of birds, amphibians, plants, and fungi and participate in monthly observation challenges. Get outside and point the Seek Camera at living things. Identify wildlife, plants, and fungi and learn about the organisms all around you. 

Career Corner 

Arborists are ‘tree doctors’ who care for trees to make sure they are healthy and strong.

Forest Managers sustainably manage our natural forest ecosystems and forest plantations.