All About Birds

A Summer Camp Lesson

All About Birds with Brittany

"Birds are our last readily-available connection to the wildness around us." -Jonathan Franzen

Bird Beak Adaptations - Lab from Flying Wild.  Birds eat different types of foods.  They have specialized beaks for eating the specific foods they need to survive. Children will try different tools to see which ‘beak’ is best for which food source.

NC Birding Trail - Learn more about each region in NC and the birds that call our great state home. Find a great place near home to practice bird watching!

Merlin App - Download the Merlin App for your phone.  Use it to identify birds by colors, size, activity or even calls! Bird ID, Sound ID, or just explore the many birds that share this planet with us.

Attract birds to your backyard - Find a pinecone outside. Smear peanut butter all around it.  Roll it around in a bowl of bird seed.  Tie a string to it and hang it in a tree you can watch from the window.

Bird Proverbs - Because birds are everywhere, they can be found in language from all cultures! “The goose that laid the golden egg.” “Naked as a jaybird” “Old birds are hard to pluck” German. “No need to teach an eagle to fly” Greek. “A bird does not change its features because the weather is bad” Nigerian. Do you know any bird proverbs?

Duck, Duck, Goose - This classic children’s game originated in Sweden and came to America with immigrants. Assists children with skills of running, chasing, logic, and motor skills.